Monday, March 1, 2010

“Leaves, Branches, Trees... or Roots!"

Leaves, Branches, Trees, or ROOTS
Current mood: contemplative
Category: Blogging

I come to testify to you that GOD is the Greatest at understanding because...duh...he created it. However, I digress; I now understand why HE places different types of people in our lives for a certain reasons. Some are forever, some are temporary, some never was meant to be met, and I am a witness to all three. Some people I have encountered were there for me when I needed, but truly was not FOR me, ya know? Everything I have ever wanted or needed in life thus far GOD has put me in the position to get it or put a person in my life for me to get what I want or needed. These people think that without them, Brandon W. Mosley would not be where he is today or in the position to be where he is, but I come to say to those people, "HA!" GOD Almighty already laid out my destiny for me and you were ONLY a TOOL, and it was my skill that GOD has blessed me with, that helped me get to the top. I admit that I am still climbing up the ladder of success and will encounter more people, and to those who are FOR me, meaning, you have not lied to me, stabbed me in the back, tried to take away from GOD's glory, or down played my character, I thank you for being my friend and my root. See, I have had a few dead branches in my life lately that I have recently cut off, why you asked, because there was NO growth…and I am all about growth. I saw that once these branches were cut or deleted out of my life they tend to call me FAKE! Whoa! When they never were true to me from the who was really the FAKE one? What is so crazy is…no love is lost! I do not have any hard feelings due to you bashing my name and character. Like I said, "people were placed in my life for different reason and I thank GOD for you, because if it wasn't for you showing who you really are when I cut you off made me realize if you were truly for me or not. Now do not get cha boy twisted, some Trees were cut and deleted, understood and moved on with life just as I have. Some leaves come and go so quick I do not remember their names, but I assure that new leaves will come back in the spring. Branches think that they are everything because they catch all the weather, but are as frail as the leaves and are easily broken. Trees are strong and can be around for years but as soon as the hurricane come…no more trees. Ah...but those ROOTS! No matter what happens to the rest of the plant the roots holds sounder than any part of the tree. If the leaves fall, the roots will provide the nutrients for them to grow back, as for the branches too. If the tree is cut down….the roots will replace the tree, because, within underground the roots are still growing. Leaves fall every season, Branches break when the wind blows hard, trees fall when cut… but the ROOTS never go anywhere… and for those of you that GOD has made a ROOT in my life I thank you for being OF me, BY me, WITH me, and most importantly FOR me!!! I Love You and GOD bless! Let us grow together! Now that you have read all of this ask yourself, what are you to me? Leaves, Branches, Trees, or ROOTS? I have Spoken!!!


Currently listening :
Purpose by Design
By Fred Hammond & Radical for Christ
Release date: By 21 March, 2000

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